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New Scientific Research Points Out That The Relationship Between Vitamin D Deficiency and COVID-19 Deaths Is Strong.

Date: 01.05.2020

The Relationship Between Vitamin D Deficiency and COVID-19 Deaths

In a study conducted by Indonesian researchers and published last April, * age, sex, comorbid disease, vitamin D level, and data of death as a result of disease of 780 people who have been confirmed to have SARS-CoV-2 infection in the laboratory have been evaluated upon their medical records.

According to the results obtained in the study aiming to reveal the possible relationship between COVID-19 deaths and vitamin D deficiency; it has been revealed that the probability of death of elderly and male cases with comorbid disease and vitamin D levels below normal values increased.

“When age, gender and comorbidity (in addition to the basic disease, but also another disease) are controlled; a strong correlation has been shown between vitamin D levels and the deaths COVID-19 is responsible for."

Another recently published article supporting these results has been published in the Philippines. ** According to the report by Dr. Alipio et al.; it has been stated that an increase in the level of vitamin D in the body can improve clinical results or reduce serious-critical results, and a decrease in the level of vitamin D in the body may worsen clinical results. It has been noted that the probability of a mild clinical condition increases 19.6 times in infected people with normal vitamin D levels.

* Raharusun, Prabowo and Priambada, Sadiah and Budiarti, Cahni and Agung, Erdie and Budi, Cipta, Patterns of COVID-19 Mortality and Vitamin D: An Indonesian Study (April 26, 2020). Available at SSRN: or
** Alipio, Mark, Vitamin D Supplementation Could Possibly Improve Clinical Outcomes of Patients Infected with Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) (April 9, 2020). Available at SSRN: or

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